Saturday, December 19, 2009


I have been studying up on bears and their power and their mannerisms. Bears are so territorial. They will shred anything that tries to take over their property or that tries to hurt their cub. They allow their cubs to go off on their own and play and explore, but they watch and make sure the cubs are close still. All it takes is one cry for help and the parent is there devouring whatever it was threatening their cub. And when learning how to cross treacherous and potentially life threatening areas the cubs follow the older bears and literally step in the exact same places their leaders step. The strides of the older bears are much wider than the stride of the younger cubs. So it takes stretching and they don't always hit the steps right the first time. They have to learn the importance of following the wisdom and steps of the older bears, but its not until they are considered an older bear in the that they learn how to walk exactly right.

And as I sit here and study these ancient, majestic creatures I cant help but see the correlations between bears and our relationship with the Lord. We have a Father that is so jealous of His property or HIs cubs, us. And He will do anything to protect His cubs. He lets us go out and try and fend for ourselves. But no matter how far we stray He is right there when we need Him, devouring whatever is coming against us.

And just as the younger cubs have to learn to follow and walk in the same ways as the bears before them, we as young Christians go through treacherous times in our lives. But if we look to the older Christians that have been before us we can learn to find the safe path. No, we don't get it right the first, second or fiftieth time, but when we do get it right we realize that it has now become our responsibility to show younger Christians how to cross the treacherous paths safely.


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1 comment:

  1. That was awesome. I love how we can feel so well protected and yet have the freedom to explore, mess up... Only to eventually find that the best place to walk is in the footsteps of our Father.
    -Erik Gotrich
